from Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 68 pertaining to Grade “B”
21—68.15(192,194) Milk standards. Standards for the production and processing of milk for manufacturing purposes shall conform to standards contained in the USDA document entitled “Milk for Manufacturing Purposes and Its Production and Processing, Recommended Requirements,” dated June 17, 2002, which is hereby incorporated into this rule by reference and made a part thereof insofar as applicable, a copy of which is on file with the department.
21—68.16(194) Legal milk.
68.16(1) All milk delivered to a creamery, cheese factory or milk processing plant shall be subject to an examination, as provided in Iowa Code chapter 194, which shall be made at the plant if delivered in separate containers or before mixing with other milk collected in a bulk tank container and the examination shall be made by a licensed grader.
68.16(2) Every creamery, cheese factory or milk processing plant which gathers its milk by a bulk tank vehicle whether operated by an independent contractor or otherwise shall provide for a licensed grader in the operation of the bulk tank and for examination of the milk by the grader upon receipt thereof at the bulk tank.
68.16(3) The common change occurring in milk is the development of acidity, causing an acid flavor and odor, or even complete or partial coagulation. Other undesirable changes include sweet curdling, ropiness, gassiness and abnormal flavors, odors and colors. All milk showing any of these defects or any other defect must be rejected.
68.16(4) The presence of any insect in milk shall be sufficient cause for rejection. This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 194.2, 194.12 and 194.15.
21—68.17(194) New producers.
68.17(1) A “new producer” is a person selling milk for the first time who has not previously produced milk under Iowa Code chapter 194. A person who formerly produced farm–separated cream and is now selling, for the first time, whole milk for manufacturing purposes is considered a new producer. Similarly, a producer who previously supplied Grade A milk or sold milk in another state not reciprocating on quality transfers and offering manufacturing milk for sale in the state of Iowa for the first time shall be classified as a new producer. A new producer is also one who has not offered manufacturing milk for sale since the enactment of this milk grading law on July 4, 1959.
68.17(2) A licensed milk grader must examine, smell and taste the first lot of milk purchased from a new producer. This milk must also be tested immediately for extraneous matter or sediment content. However, it is not necessary to subject the milk of the new producer on the first delivery to a bacterial quality test. A test of this nature, however, must be made on a properly collected sample from this producer within 15 days thereafter.
68.17(3) If the sediment disc on the can of milk selected for test shows sediment in excess of 2.50 mg., all cans in the shipment shall be tested for sediment content in the same manner. Any milk showing sediment in excess of 2.50 mg. shall be rejected by the creamery, cheese factory or milk processing plant and not used for human consumption. This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 194.2.
21—68.18(194) Testing and exclusion of Class III milk.
68.18(1) If a producer desires to change to another plant or factory, it is required that the first shipment of milk be accompanied by a written quality release form from the former purchaser. This quality release form must be requested by the producer in person or in writing from the manager of the plant previously purchasing the milk. (Plant being asked for quality release shall give it to person with written order or deliver to producer making the request.) The new buyer shall not accept the first delivery until receiving a copy of the record of the producer’s milk quality covering the preceding 90 days.
68.18(2) If the quality release form of this producer shows that the last test for bacterial quality indicated Class III milk, the new purchaser must then test first shipment of the transferring producer’s milk by:
a. Organoleptic grading (physical appearance, taste and smell).
b. Sediment or extraneous matter.
c. An estimate of bacterial quality must be run within seven days from the last test date entered on the transfer form.
68.18(3) In other words, the previous record of bacterial quality is transferred. For example, if a producer has had two consecutive Class III bacterial estimates at one plant and then decides to sell the milk to another plant, the producer may not start as a new producer without previous history. This rule requires that the milk be tested for four consecutive weeks if there is no improvement in the quality of the milk during this period. Upon transferring to a new plant, the next bacterial test is entered on the record as the third of the four required tests.
68.18(4) If the fourth consecutive test is still Class III, this producer’s milk may not be purchased by any plant for human consumption. The plant refusing this milk is required to notify the area resident inspector of the dairy products control bureau of the Iowa department of agriculture and land stewardship, immediately, in writing. This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 194.2.
21—68.19(194) Unlawful milk. Four weekly Class III bacterial tests or milk containing radioactive agents “deleterious to health” shall make rejection compulsory and that milk shall not be accepted thereafter by any plant or creamery until authorized by the secretary of agriculture. This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 194.4 and 194.9.
21—68.20(194) Price differential. All purchasers or receivers of milk shall maintain a price differential between the grades of milk as defined by bacterial estimate test.
21—68.21(194) Penalties for plants and producers.
68.21(1) The scope of this section is broad, covering all plant employees, operators and milk haulers.
68.21(2) A producer selling milk to a new purchaser without first obtaining a quality release form from the former buyer, would be an example of noncompliance with the law and these rules. This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 194.20.
21—68.22(192,194) Farm requirements for milk for manufacturing.
68.22(1) Milking facility and housing. A milking barn or milking parlor of adequate size and arrangement shall be provided to permit normal sanitary milking operations. It shall be well lighted and ventilated, and the floors and gutters in the milking area shall be constructed of concrete or other impervious material. The facility shall be kept clean.
68.22(2) Milk house or milk room. A milk house or milk room conveniently located and properly constructed, lighted, and ventilated shall be provided for handling and cooling milk and for washing, handling, and storing the utensils and equipment. Other products shall not be stored in the milk room which would be likely to contaminate milk, or otherwise create a public health hazard.
It shall be equipped with wash and rinse vat, utensil rack, milk cooling facilities and have an adequate supply of hot water available for cleaning milking equipment.
68.22(3) Utensils and equipment. Utensils, milk cans, milking machines (including pipeline systems), and other equipment used in the handling of milk shall be maintained in good condition, shall be free from rust, open seams, milkstone, or any unsanitary condition, and shall be washed, rinsed, and drained after each milking, stored in suitable facilities, and sanitized immediately before use with at least 200 ppm. chlorine solution or its equivalent.
68.22(4) Cooling. Milk in farm bulk tanks shall be cooled to 45° F or 7° C or lower within two hours after milking and maintained at 50° F or 10° C or lower until transferred to the transport tank. Milk in
cans shall be cooled immediately after milking to 50° F or 10° C or lower unless delivered to the plant within two hours after milking. The temperature requirement for milk placed in cans will be 50° F or 10° C or lower. The cooler, tank, or refrigerated unit shall be kept clean. This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code chapter 192 and section 192A.28.
21—68.23 to 68.25 Reserved.
21—68.26(190,192,194) Tests for abnormal milk.
68.26(1) At least once every calendar month, all creameries, cheese factories, or milk processing plants, hereafter referred to as purchasers, shall test a herd milk sample from every producer in a certified or officially designated laboratory to determine the existence of abnormal milk.
68.26(2) A herd milk sample shall be deemed to be abnormal or adulterated if a test by direct microscopic examination, electronic somatic cell count, or equivalent technique, reveals a count greater than 750,000 somatic cells/ml.
68.26(3) Whenever two of the last four consecutive somatic cell counts exceed 750,000 cells/ml, the purchaser or regulatory authority shall send a written notice thereof to the person concerned. An additional sample shall be taken within 21 days of the sending of such notice, but not before the lapse of three days. Immediate suspension of permit shall be instituted whenever the standard is violated by three of the last five somatic cell counts.
68.26(4) Within one week following receipt of a written application from the producer, an inspection shall be made by the regulatory authority or the purchaser and a herd milk sample taken. If the test indicates a count of 750,000 or less somatic cells/ml, the producer’s milk may be purchased for human consumption provided additional samples of herd milk are tested at a rate of not more than two per week. The producer shall be reinstated under the normal testing program when three out of four consecutive tests have counts of 750,000 or less somatic cells/ml. This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code chapter 192 and Iowa Code sections 190.4, 194.4, and 194.6.
21—68.27(192,194) Standards for performing farm inspections. The August 1, 1976, manual prepared by USDA/AMS, Dairy Division, titled “General Instructions for Performing Farm Inspections According to USDA Recommended Requirements for Manufacturing Purposes and Its Production and Processing for Adoption by State Regulatory Agencies,” is adopted in its entirety, and shall constitute the official standards for farms producing milk for manufacturing, with the following exception:
Strike from Rule 1c, Brucellosis Test, the words “Uniform Methods and Rules” for establishing and maintaining Certified Brucellosis Free Herds of Cattle, Modified Certified Brucellosis Area and Certified Brucellosis Free Areas which are approved by Animal Disease Eradication Division, Agricultural Research Service. . .”, and insert in lieu thereof, “Brucellosis Eradication, Uniform Methods and Rules, effective February 1, 1998”. The bacteriological standards for private water supplies used by dairy farms consist of an MPN (Most Probable Number of Coliform Organisms) of less than 2.2/100 ml by the multiple tube fermentation technique, or less than 1/100 ml by the membrane filter technique, or the results of any water test approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration or Environmental Protection Agency of less than 1/100 ml.
21—68.28 to 68.34 Reserved.
21—68.35(192) Dairy farm water supply.
68.35(1) Water for milk house and milking operations shall be from a supply properly located, protected, and operated and shall be easily accessible, adequate and of a safe, sanitary quality.
68.35(2) A Grade A permit shall not be issued to an applicant when the water well supplying the dairy facility is located in a well pit.
68.35(3) New well construction or the reconstruction of an existing well supplying the dairy facility shall be constructed according to 567—Chapter 49, Iowa Administrative Code.
68.35(4) Frost–free hydrants shall be located at least ten feet from the well that supplies the water for the dairy facility unless a written variance is granted by the department.
68.35(5) The department encourages the use of high–pressure washers for use in the dairy facility. However, they can create a negative pressure and contaminate the water supply system because of their capability to pump at a faster rate than water can be supplied if not properly installed and operated.
The dairy facility water supply system shall be protected from overpumping by a high–pressure washer by one of the following:
1. A separate water supply.
2. By supplying the high–pressure washer from a surge tank that is isolated from the main water supply system by an air gap.
3. A low–pressure cutoff switch.
4. A device built into the high–pressure washer by the manufacturer and approved by the department.
5. Any other device installed in the system to prevent a negative pressure to the supply system that is approved by the department. This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code chapter 192.
21—68.36(192) Antibiotic testing.
68.36(1) The dairy industry shall screen all Grade A and Grade B farm bulk milk pickup tankers and farm can milk loads for beta lactam drug residues or other residues as designated by the department. A sampling method shall be used with can milk loads to ensure that the sample includes raw milk from every milk can on the vehicle.
68.36(2) When loads are found to contain drugs or other inhibitors at levels exceeding federal Food and Drug Administration established “safety levels,” the department’s dairy products control bureau shall be notified immediately of the results and of the ultimate disposition of the raw milk. Disposition shall be in a manner approved by the bureau. The producer samples from the violative load shall be tested for tracing the violation back to the violative producer. The primary responsibility for tracing the violation back to the violative producer shall be that of the initial purchaser of the raw milk.
68.36(3) In every antibiotic incident, pickups of milk from the violative individual producer(s) shall be immediately discontinued and the permit shall be suspended until such time that subsequent testing by a certified industry supervisor establishes that the milk does not exceed safe levels of inhibitory residues. In addition, in every antibiotic incident except when the load is negative and the milk can be used, the violative producer shall pay the purchaser for the contaminated load of milk and the producer will not be paid for the producer’s share of milk on the load.
68.36(4) The dairy products control bureau staff shall monitor the dairy industry inhibitor load testing activities by making unannounced, on–site inspections to review the load sampling records. The inspector may also collect load samples for testing in the department’s dairy laboratory.
68.36(5) For the first violative occurrence within a 12–month period, a department dairy products inspector shall conduct an investigation.
68.36(6) For the second violative occurrence within a 12–month period, a department dairy products inspector shall make an appointment with the producer and a dairy industry representative to meet at the dairy facility within 10 working days of the violative occurrence to inspect the drug storage and to determine the cause of the second violation. In addition, the producer shall review the “Milk and Dairy Beef Residue Prevention Protocol” with a veterinarian within 30 days of the violative occurrence. The protocol certificate shall be signed by the producer and the veterinarian. The producer shall send the dairy products control bureau a copy of the signed certificate within 35 days of the violation. Failure to complete the course or to submit a copy of the certificate to the dairy products control bureau is grounds for suspension or revocation of a violative producer’s permit to sell raw milk.
68.36(7) For the third violative occurrence within a 12–month period, the producer shall attend a hearing concerning the third violation at a time, date, and place set by the department. At the hearing, the producer shall explain the history of the violations and steps taken to prevent a repetition of the violation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the department may order the producer to take additional steps to avoid future repetition of the violation. Failure of the producer to abide by the conditions set by the department is grounds for the department to initiate an action to suspend or revoke the producer’s permit to sell raw milk.
68.36(8) In every antibiotic incident of a noncommingled load of milk where there is only one producer on the load, the load shall be discarded and the producer shall pay for the disposition of the load and for the cost of hauling. In addition, the producer and employee(s) shall review the “Milk and Dairy Beef Residue Prevention Protocol” with a veterinarian within 30 days, and the protocol certificate shall be signed by the veterinarian, the producer and the employee(s). The certificate shall be received by the dairy products control bureau within 35 days of the violative occurrence or the permit will be suspended until the certificate is received. For the third violation within a 12–month period, the producer shall be required to attend a hearing in the same manner as specified in subrule 68.36(7).
68.36(9) When the antibiotic tests show that a load is nonviolative, but routine producer sampling finds that a producer on the load is violative, the permit shall be suspended until subsequent testing establishes that the milk does not exceed safe levels of inhibitory residues. The first or second monetary penalty within a 12–month period shall be waived. In case of a third violation within a 12–month period, procedures shall be initiated as provided in subrule 68.36(7).
68.36(10) Each violative occurrence within a 12–month period, including a violative producer found on a nonviolative load, shall count as a first, second, third or fourth violation against the producer.
68.36(11) Records shall be kept by the industry at each receiving or transfer station of all incoming farm pickup loads of raw milk. The records shall be retained for a period of at least 12 months.
a. The records shall include the following information:
(1) Name of the organization;
(2) Name of test(s) used;
(3) Controls, positive and negative;
(4) Date of test(s);
(5) Time the test was performed;
(6) Temperature of the milk in the tanker at the time of sampling;
(7) Identification of the load;
(8) Pounds of milk on the load;
(9) Initials of the person filling out the record.
b. When the load is violative, the records shall also include the following:
(1) Names of the producers on the load;
(2) Identification of the violative producer(s);
(3) The first name of the dairy products control bureau office person telephoned;
(4) Location of disposition of the violative load;
(5) The number of pounds of milk belonging to each producer.
68.36(12) When telephoning the dairy products control bureau office to report a violative load or violative producer, the following information shall be given:
a. Name of the person telephoning;
b. Name of the organization;
c. Date of violation;
d. Route number and name of the milk hauler;
e. Verification that all producers on the violative load were tested;
f. Name and producer number(s) of the violative producer(s) and milk grade;
g. The concentration of residue in the producer sample;
h. The concentration of residue in the load sample, if available;
i. Name of test(s) used;
j. Name of analyst;
k. Pounds of milk on the load and violative producer(s) pounds;
l. Location of disposition of the milk. This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code chapter 192